
The Lysholm scale is a well validated functional score designed for knee ligament injuries but has also been validated for other knee injuries. Different scores are more useful at different stages post ligament reconstruction. Functional rating scales may have to be modified for articular cartilage repair.

Rating systems for ligament evaluation should look at functional score, activity grading and static stability assessment and functional test before during and after ligament reconstruction.


Limp (5 Points) Pain (25 Points)
None 5 ______ None 30 _____
Slight or periodical 3 ______ Inconstant and slight
during severe exertion
25 _____
Severe and constant 0 ______
Marked during severe exertion 0 _____
Support (5 Points)
None 5 ______ Marked on or after walking
more than 2 km
10 _____
Stick or crutch 2 ______ Marked on or after walking
less than 2 km
5 _____
Weight-bearing impossible 0 ______ Constant 0 _____
Locking (15 points) Swelling (10 Points)  
No locking and no catching sensations 15 ______ None 10 ______
Catching sensation but no locking 10 ______ On severe exertion 6
Locking On ordinary exertion 2
    Occasionally 6 ______ Constant 0
    Frequently 2 ______
Locked joint on examination 0 ______ Stair climbing (10 points)
No problems 10 _____
Instability (30 Points) Slightly impaired 6 _____
Never giving way 25 _____ One step at a time 2 _____
Rarely gives way except
for athletic or other
severe exertion
20 _____ Impossible 0 _____
Gives way frequently
during athletic events
or severe exertion
15 _____ Squatting (5 points)
No problems 5 _____
Occasionally in daily activities 10 _____ Slightly impaired 4 _____
Often in daily activities 5 _____ Not beyond ninety degrees 2 _____
Every step 0 _____ Impossible 0 _____
TOTAL ______


Lysholm J, Gillquist J: Evaluation of knee ligament surgery results with special emphasis on use of a scoring scale. Am J Sports Med 10:150-154, 1982

Tegner Y, Lysholm J: Rating systems in the evaluation of knee ligament injuries. Clin Orthop 198:43-49, 1985.

Smith HJ, Richardson JB, Tennant A. Modification and validation of the Lysholm Knee Scale to assess articular cartilage damage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2008 Jun 14

Kocher MS, Steadman JR, Briggs KK, Sterett WI, Hawkins RJ. Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the Lysholm knee scale for various chondral disorders of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2004 Jun;86-A(6):1139-45.